Tuesday, November 4, 2008

RISKY Business

It’s not new to hear that summer jobs are the best but with these jobs new hazards come in to play. About 70 teens die each year from work related injuries and tens of thousands visit the emergency room. Hare are a few precautions you can take to prevent hazards your summer job. If you work in a restaurant there are many different things that can injure you. Slow down just because you boss or a customer is getting tired you safety is more important than the food. Wear covered non slip shoes, and clean up any wet areas to avoid falling. You never know when something is shot so use dry cloths when cooking, always use tongs than your hands, wear long sleeve cotton clothing as well. The most important thing to do when working in a restaurant is to be aware of you surroundings. People who work in a store don’t think it's dangerous but it is one of the main causes of injury and death. So to stay out of harms way NEVER work alone make sure you’re in the sight of at least one other employee, wear a weight belt, don’t try to carry all items at once, and use machinery to carry large or add object to protect your back. Take training on how to handle a situation whether it is a robbery or just an angry customer. If you have an out door job always wear sunscreen. Be sure to drink 16 to 30 ounces of fluids per hour to stay hydrated. If you are experiencing sweating, no sweating at all, dizziness, nausea, headache, weakness, or confusion tell some one you could have heat stroke. Wear bug repellent and protective clothing; it helps keep bugs with fatal diseases away. See your doctor to check if you are up to date with all your shots. Many jobs that are in the heavy machinery area are illegal to people under the age of 18. Some are available to teens. If you work at one of these jobs you: should always know what you can and cannot do. Get plenty of sleep and wear all required equipment. Always protect your ears.

1 comment:

DGKChase said...

Very good! this a good length blog yo!